Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (or lithotripsy), despite being a mouthful, is a commonly-used treatment for kidney stones. Using high-energy shock waves targeted at kidney stones in the kidney or the ureter (small tube connecting the kidney and the bladder), kidney stones can be broken into small pieces that are then able to pass down the ureter and into the bladder where they can be peed out without issues.

Lithotripsy is done with general anesthesia. After a brief stay in the recovery room, the patient is able to go home the same day. Normal activity can resume the following day. The procedure is very safe, with the lowest complication rate of all the different modalities for treating kidney stones. Most lithotripsies are done without using a ureteral stent, which is a nice bonus as stents can be bothersome and uncomfortble while they are in place.

Not all patients or kidney stones are appropriate for lithotripsy. Come see us to see if you are a candidate for this minimally-invasive, stent-free kidney stone treatment option.

Lithotripsy is one option for treating kidney stones at Magic Valley Urology in Twin Falls, Idaho.