Many masses that develop in the scrotum are benign and do not need specific treatment other than medication. The masses could be formed by inflammation, enlarged veins, or cysts. Problems begin when a mass is actually an indication of testicular cancer, but men do not get them checked by their doctor.

The testes are housed inside the scrotum and are part of the male reproductive system. The testes produce and store sperm that will be mixed with seminal fluid for ejaculation and also produces the male hormone called testosterone.

These organs are easily felt by palpating the scrotal sac. When the feel and texture of the testes and the tubes connecting to them (epididymis) becomes abnormal or forms lumps or masses, the cause of the abnormality needs to be assessed immediately to rule out cancer. Although most of the masses will have a benign (noncancerous) etiology, finding cancer early increases the chance of a cure, making it important to see your doctor.

The masses could be several varieties of noncancerous masses:

  • Hydrocele – A buildup of fluid around the testicle
  • Spermatocele – A cyst filled with fluid and dead sperm cells and located in the epididymis
  • Epididymitits – Inflammation of the epididymis
  • Varicocele – A distended vein behind the testicle (also called a varicose vein)

The most dangerous possibility for a mass in the scrotal area is, of course:

  • Testicular cancer – A hard lump of abnormal cells growing out of control in the testes

Injuries, infections, and fluid buildup are the main causes of scrotal masses, but pinpointing the exact cause helps determine the type of mass found.

Magic Valley Urology treats scrotal masses in Twin Falls, Idaho.