Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is a treatment option for kidney stones. It involves making a small incision in the back and placing surgical instruments through the incision and into the kidney. It requires general anesthesia and is performed in the hospital. Tha majority of patients spend the night in the hospital. Often-times, there is a tube coming out of the back incision after surgery, but is removed prior to going home. Typically there is a ureteral stent spanning the distance of the ureter (tube connecting the kidney and the bladder) that is left in place after surgery as well. This is removed a week or so later in clinic with a quick procedure.

PCNL is a more invasive treatment option for kidney stones and has increased risk compared to other treatment options, including bleeding, infection, and damage to the kidney or adjacent organs. However, the complication rate is still low. Typically, PCNL is recommended for individuals with large stones, as these are very difficult to treat with other treatment modalities and would require 2 or more surgeries to treat completely.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is one option for treating kidney stones at Magic Valley Urology in Twin Falls, Idaho.